This weekend is the great unveiling. With absolutely no regard for how far along we would be in setting up our house, we brashly scheduled our housewarming (and daughter's second birthday party) for August 1. And so, here we are, with unopened boxes strewn about, furniture out of place, rooms half painted, bathrooms to clean, snacks to prepare, and seventy people coming in thirty-six hours. Which is to say,
We Too Were Children, Mr. Barrie is not going anywhere. But while I am (still going somewhere),
We Too Were Children, Mr. Barrie won't be (going somewhere new). I have nevertheless many dozens of images scanned and books read and research begun that will someday culminate in brand new posts right here. But the alarming blare of overdue email notices forced me to return all of the books I had out of the library and my trusty old scanner Blinkin and his mate Dusty the External Hard Drive are still in boxes and and and excuses excuses excuses, there's naive hope that life will settle into a schedule and work can be done and I can share my meager findings to you loyal friends and followers. For now, I'm playing (which is to say working really really hard at) house. Bear with me.
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